Passkey Stats Program

Passkeys are supported in all major browsers, as well as native apps. If your audience skews towards older browsers, some of them may not have passkey support yet.

SnapAuth provides a free, opt-in stats program, so you can make a data-informed decision about how to integrate passkeys on your site.

To start collecting anonymous browser support stats for your site, simply add our script to any page you want to measure. This is a great addition on registration and sign-in pages, or you can run it site-wide. It's designed to be lightweight (~0.5KB compressed) and privacy-friendly.

Stats for your site are available through our dashboard.

The script

<script src=""
  data-key="<your publishable key>"

Substitute your publishable key from the dashboard in data-key.

Don't have an account yet? Register for free to get your publishable key. You do not need to provide a credit card or commit to anything to use our stats program.

Additional configuration details are documented here.


We DO NOT store any of the following (not even in access logs):

  • IP addresses
  • Geographic information
  • Full user-agent strings
  • Any cookies, credentials, etc
  • Referrer data, specific pages/URLs, etc

We also do not set cookies or other trackers. We do set a single bit in sessionStorage to know if stats have already been sent, which you may disable.

This is an opt-in program: we do not collect stats unless you explicitly put this script on your page - even if you're actively using SnapAuth. Using our client SDKs will not transmit this data.

By opting in to stats, you understand that statistics your application contributes can be viewed in the aggregate, not associated to you on our site. You can also see stats specific to your site in the SnapAuth dashboard.

Data Sample

In our stats storage system, the data looks like this:

id: 51f0f9d5f1f37e3904101df7eea68c7bc101ac128507139ebffa8cc7d426e004
env_id: env_2893JxW4Wj4cg4hV8fQf4gHr
date: 2024-06-02
platform: Mac OS X
browser: Safari
version: 17.5
category: desktop
data: capabilities data - see below


The browser support data we collect stats on monitors the availability and result of various browser APIs:

  "toJSON": true,
  "getClientCapabilities": null,
  "parseRequestOptionsFromJSON": true,
  "parseCreationOptionsFromJSON": true,
  "isConditionalMediationAvailable": true,
  "isPasskeyPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable": null,
  "isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable": true

We limit to about one data point per day per user per browser. This is done by using a one-way hash of the user-agent string, IP address, a daily-rotating salt, and (if provided) the site id.

How you can use this data

This is an easy way to understand how your users can use passkeys. Decide about going fully passwordless, using passkeys for multi-factor authentication, or other rollout strategies.

How we use this data

We look at this data in aggregate to better understand how reliable browsers are with Web Authentication and passkey APIs. This helps us inform SDK design and optimizations.

It also helps us get an early view about possible browser regressions so we can work with browser vendors on quick fixes.

This does inherently give us basic information about the number of daily unique visitors to your site (on configured pages). We do not look at this and absolutely will never reveal or sell this information.


Our stats program is brand new, so please give us a couple weeks to collect more data and update this page!

In the meantime, Can I Use should give you some preliminary data1. Per their data, WebAuthn has about 95% global support (usage-aligned), and passkey autofill is about 92%.

Get Started

If you want to start collecting passkey browser support data for your site, sign up for free and add the JavaScript snippet to your site.

Start collecting stats

Once you're ready to add passkeys to your site, read our web integration guide and you can be up and running in minutes!

  1. Caution: the passkey autofill API stats are currently displaying incorrectly